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[st_row id_wrapper=”elm_591136d8eda18″ ][st_column span=”span12″ id_wrapper=”elm_591136d8ed9d0″ ][st_spacer height=”15″ id_wrapper=”elm_591136d8ed988″ ][/st_spacer][/st_column][/st_row][st_row gradient_color=”0% #FFFFFF,100% #000000″ gradient_direction=”vertical” img_repeat=”full” 1=”video_url_mp4″ autoplay=”yes” child_of=”none” div_padding_top=”10″ div_padding_bottom=”10″ div_padding_right=”10″ div_padding_left=”10″ id_wrapper=”elm_591136d8ef95f” ][st_column span=”span8″ id_wrapper=”elm_591136d8ee6ed” ][st_text wrapper_padding_top=”0″ wrapper_padding_left=”0″ wrapper_padding_bottom=”0″ wrapper_padding_right=”0″ wrapper_bg_opacity_slider=”” id_wrapper=”elm_591136d8ee698″ ]Thank you in advance for your review of our compressed air solutions and how we handled your compressed air challenge.

[contact-form-7 id=”4″ title=”Review Form”][/st_text][/st_column][st_column span=”span4″ id_wrapper=”elm_591136d8ef918″ ][st_testimonial div_margin_bottom=”24″ items_per_slide=”1″ slider_elements=”arrows__#__indicator__#__ ” content_elements=”content__#__image__#__name__#__job_title__#__country__#__company__#__ ” wrapper_padding_top=”0″ wrapper_padding_left=”0″ wrapper_padding_bottom=”0″ wrapper_padding_right=”0″ wrapper_bg_opacity_slider=”” id_wrapper=”elm_591136d8ef8c2″ ][st_item_testimonial elm_title=”Testimonial Item 1″ name=”Ken Parham” job_title=”Manager of Facilities” image_file_button=”” id_wrapper=”elm_591136d8ef875″ ]We installed our Cam System in 2005. At the time we had 12 compressors with a total output of 19,035 cfm. After the installation of the Cam System we saw a 25% improvement in energy consumption. The system has been very rugged and dependable. The system also maintains a very constant air pressure on the manufacturing floor. At present our system has grown to 16 compressors at 28,650 cfm total output. The system was very easy to expand to handle the additional compressors. I would recommend Cam Technologies to anyone who is serious about reducing energy cost and stabilizing air pressures.
